

On this page the visitor will find links to videos on Water Fluoridation.    It's Work in Progress.  Please contact us if you have a favourite Water Fluoridation video so that it can be linked to this page.

A revealing talk on fluoride toxicity by Declan Waugh at the University of Otago in front of some tin-foil hatted students.

2018                                                     43 minutes

Possibly, one of the best videos ever made on Water Fluoridation.  The Great Culling.  The video outlines " the history and use of fluoride being added into the US water system. Wake up people! There is poison in the water!"

May 2021                                                                   I hour 32 mins

This is a new video presented by Dr Griffin Cole of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology.  He explains the contradiction between fluoride "supplements" and fluoride in drinking water and in toothpaste.

28th April 2023.  2.55 mins


An Odysee Production

Circa 2021/2022                   13.51 mins.

A 2019 presentation by Dr Paul Connett of Fluoride Action Network in which he responds to criticisms of JAMA Fluoride IQ Study and explains the results of a strong Canadian study on reduced intelligence when the human foetus is exposed to fluoride.                                             5.52 mins

The Evil History of Fluoride.

(Contains adverts.)                             25.12 mins

Center for Disease Control, USA.  Admission that they have no safety data for fluoride!

Wonders will never cease!  6th November 2018

Poison on Tap

A 2015 Documentary.  One of the better videos on the topic of Water Fluoridation in the USA.  A good introduction to the history of this issue.   1 hour 39 minutes.

History Repeats Itself

From Fluoride Free Australia

In the 1940s and 50s, doctors and dentists were by far the strongest and most vocal supporters of smoking, not just for pleasure but also for health! They ignored the science and the obvious dangers and irresponsibly sold their souls for tobacco.

Australia, October 2021.  3 minutes

A Today Tonight News programme 

A video completely 100% against fluoridation  from Australia.  Features Professor A K Susheela (India), Professor Paul Connett (USA) and Earl Baldwin (UK).

Australia. 2010. 6 mins 33 secs

The Impact of Fluoride on Brain Development. 

The video is written and produced by the Research team responsible for the recent IQ studies from Mexico and Canada.  2021.  5 mins 47 secs.

The Fluoride Deception Part 1

An interview with Chris Bryson, author of the 2004 book, "The Fluoride Deception.  "In this video, award-winning  [investigative] journalist Christopher Bryson examines one of the great secret narratives of the industrial era; how a grim workplace poison and the most damaging environmental pollutant of the cold war was added to our drinking water and toothpaste."

9 mins 37 secs

The Fluoride Deception Part 3

Continuation of Chris Bryson's Interview.

Note - there doesn't seem to be a Part 2.

9 mins 30 secs

Dr Phyllis Mullenix, Part 1

1996  7 mins 18 secs

Dr Phyllis Mullenix, Part 2

1996, 6 mins 11 secs

Dr Phyllis Mullenix, Part 3

1996  5 mins 47 secs

Professional Perspectives: Fluoride in Tap Water

Dr Bill Osmunson

5 mins 19 secs

Recently unearthed video dated 29th June 2000 relating to a submission by EPA Headquarters (Scientists') Union on the concentration and addition of fluoride to drinking water. The video contains quite a lot of excellent reasons not to add fluoride to water.  The presentation is made by Dr William Hirzy.  9 mins.

Dr A.K Susheela is interviewed by Professor Paul Connett in this short video which explains gastric distress and anaemia in pregnant women and how the Indian Government is attempting to reduce levels of fluoride throughout the country.  Undated.  18 mins.

Health and Care Bill

Clauses 147 and 148, House of Lords.  A speech against 100% Water Fluoridation (England).  The clause numbers have changed and are possibly Clauses 163-4 (April 2022)

On 31st January 2022, Lord Reay made a second speech

against Water Fluoridation in the House of Lords. 

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