This Website contains information on the practice of Water Fluoridation and UK Government plans to increase it throughout England and Wales. 


We're starting a legal Group Challenge against existing and proposed Water Fluoridation programmes.


We will be setting up Crowdfunding in the near future.

Please email to receive information.

FFAUK has a dedicated Bank Account for donations.

Why Donate?

There is now very strong science showing that the practice of water fluoridation causes damage to the developing fetal brain resulting in a loss of IQ, increased ADHD in infants, plus endocrine disruption (thyroid) and hip brittle-bone fractures inter alia., in adults.

Worryingly, the UK Government refuses to acknowledge this science and as never commissioned any toxicology studies. It is also ignoring the findings of two recently funded UK dental studies which show little benefit at all from water fluoridation.

In Scotland, fluoridation is not permitted due to Lord Jauncey’s 1983 Ruling which stated that fluoridation is medication without an individual’s informed consent and violates their Human Rights. Instead, Scotland implements a very successful tooth brushing programme in schools.

Most people recognise that toothbrushing and reducing sugary foods and drinks is the best method to reduce tooth decay, not in fluoridating everyone!

In October 2024, following the US Court Ruling, three established professors of toxicology and environmental health, wrote to PM Kier Starmer explaining the problems and arguing against the practice. However, regardless of this, the science and common-sense, Ministers continue with dogmatic insistence that water fluoridation is safe, pushing ahead with increasing fluoridation in the North-East of England.

This is both a fallacy and negligent, as in the past, with lead in petrol, lead in paint, DDT, asbestos building materials and smoking whilst pregnant, when all were considered ‘safe’ in their day, by ‘experts’. That was, until the science caught up and demonstrated that they were most definitely not safe and were banned. The same conclusion now has to be drawn for the dangers caused by exposure to fluoride in drinking water, especially when the source of the fluoride is a dangerous waste acid (Hexafluorosilicic acid) from the phosphate fertilizer industry and is banned in Europe! 

Since the Government refuses to engage in the conversation we’re calling for a full moratorium on the practice of water fluoridation through a Group Legal Challenge.

Many have joined already, however, in order to succeed, we are calling for further volunteers to become members of the "Group". To qualify, volunteers must live or work in England in areas fluoridated (Group A) or threatened with fluoridation (Group B). Please see the areas listed below.

If like us, you are worried with this practice and are living or working in a currently fluoridated area or areas threatened with fluoridation, or if have family, friends and colleagues in these areas, please join in this Group Legal Challenge.

Please email: for further details, and/or to donate whatever you can to FFA UK’s dedicated bank account

We will be setting up a Crowdfunder in the near future and you will be kept up to date on the Barrister’s legal process and status of the action.

Threatened Areas of England

The following counties etc are currently threatened with Public Consultations:

Cornwall, Greater London, Norfolk, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, Rutland, Worcestershire       


The following have had a Public Consultation and we learned on 7th March of the Secretary of State's decision to fluoridate them:

Durham, County Durham, South Tyneside, Sunderland, Northumberland, Darlington, Middlesbrough, Stockton-on-Tees,  Redcar with Cleveland, 

Twenty-three North Yorkshire borderland villages in Rishi Sunak's constituency, 

Alston and Nenthead in North-East Cumbria.

That's 1.6 million people in the North-East of England who never knew what was about to hit them!

Why? The Public Consultation was very poorly advertised.

 Refs: .


BBC article:  .

Northern Echo:

Background information .

Only 3% of the world fluoridates its drinking water. In the UK, approximately 10% of the population has had fluoride added to its drinking water supply with some areas such as West Midlands being fluoridated since 1964.   In the US and Canada, 66% and 44% of their populations respectively, are fluoridated.

The Health and Care Bill 2021, gave the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care (‘SoS’) new rights, following Public Consultation, to order water utilities to fluoridate drinking water This is despite the science of dental benefits for water fluoridation being extremely weak and the more recent science of its neurotoxicity dangers, being very robust and being ignored by Policy makers.

In recent years, neurotoxicity research from around the world including the US, has been published demonstrating unequivocally, that fluoridation causes permanent damage to the fetal brain and loss of IQ, increased ADHD in infants, plus endocrine disruption (thyroid) and brittle hip-bone fractures inter alia., in adults. Lord Reay spoke out against Water Fluoridation succinctly stating in his House of Lords address in December 2021; ‘a decayed tooth can be repaired, but a damaged brain cannot.’

Four studies, in particular were funded by the US Government’s National Institute of Health and following their publication (2017 -2021) were peer-reviewed and then also, systemically reviewed by the US Government’s National Toxicology Program (NTP) as part of wider review of 55 worldwide, high quality, IQ research studies.

The NTP’s findings were issued in a report in 2024 and presented as prima fascie evidence in a precedent-setting 7-year trial in a federal court against the US Government’s Environmental Protection Agency due to its reluctance to apply the provisions of the Toxic Substances Control Act 1976 (TSCA 1976) to water fluoridation.

On 24th Sept 2024, US Federal Senior Judge, Edward Chen, delivered an historic ruling by the United States District Court of the Northern District of California ordering the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to take regulatory action to eliminate the “unreasonable risk” to the health of children posed by the practice of water fluoridation.

By comparison, the UK’s Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has never commissioned or conducted neurotoxicity studies, and yet UK’s DHSC allows dentists - not toxicologists - to opine on and obliquely dismiss these robust neurotoxicity studies by continually misrepresenting WF’s efficacy based on previous, and (by comparison) poor quality dental science.

What is even more worrying is that two recent, UK government commissioned studies, (CATFISH and LOTUS) published within a few months of each other (Nov 23 & Feb ’24 respectively), evidence very little if any dental benefit from fluoridation and recommend other strategies instead such as early stage brushing of teeth.

Furthermore, the recent Cochrane Collaboration Review, published October 2024 did not take into account the LOTUS studies findings, but similarly found that: “Adding fluoride to water may slightly increase the number of children who have no tooth decay in either their baby teeth or permanent teeth. However, these results also included the possibility of little or no difference in tooth decay.”, and, “We could not be sure whether adding fluoride to water reduced tooth decay in children’s permanent teeth.”

Policy makers state that The World Health Organisation (‘WHO’) “recommends a maximum level of 1.5 milligrams of fluoride per litre of water (mg/l)” but they omitted to mention the WHO’s important caveat made with respect to its support. The WHO recommended that before communities fluoridated their water, they should; “first determine how much fluoride people in the area are already receiving from all possible other sources”. (World Health Organization Chronicle 23, 512, 1960). This has never been achieved in the UK. If it were done for the UK, in addition to fluoride from toothpaste, regulators would find that tea-drinking is another major source of fluoride.  Waugh et al., 2016 have investigated the levels of fluoride exposure from tea-drinking in the Republic of Ireland and one can anticipate similar exposures in the UK. It is impossible to measure the total amount of Fluoride being ingested by an individual, particularly pregnant mothers and young infants.

Other main challenges to the human body from fluoride ingestion include:

Dyspepsia which is often treated as the effects of a gastric ulcer.


Weakened bones including hip fracture

Diabetes (ingestion)

Arterial calcification (ingestion).


Reduced sperm motility.

Other Highlights on this Website

We've uploaded information on thwarted attempts to fluoridate the population. 

An important document by Carole Clinch (Canada) relates to the delayed eruption of teeth when a child is fluoridated.  This phenomenon is denied, of course, by pro-fluoridation dental researchers.  However, Carole lists numerous research studies with reproducible results which have found delay and just two which deny delay!  The URL leads to Clinch, C. (2010). Delayed Eruption of Teeth & Time at Risk for Cavities.

Our fluoridated children sustain damage to their permanent teeth - a lifelong condition known as Dental Fluorosis and this is  due to over-exposure to fluoride. 

The Government turns a blind eye to the subsequent delay in growth of primary teeth, to Dental Fluorosis, to increased hip fractures, to increased hypothyroidism and now completely ignores the proven permanent non-reversible brain damage and intelligence reduction caused by over-exposure to fluoride..

For NEWS and Contact details, access the Home Tab above and choose NEWS or Contact Us from the drop-down menu.  There's also a new sub-page entitled "Snippets and Funnies" under the Home tab which will be populated with interesting information which we hope will be a source of hope and amusement for all those who want to see the end of WF.

Comment on current issues can be found in the Editorial page (Home Page Tab > Editorial)

Deliberately added fluoride is not the same as naturally-occurring fluoride

And now a red flag for visitors to this site.  Government propaganda would have it that deliberately added fluoride is the same as naturally occurring fluoride.  That is very far from the truth.  We've created a table comparing deliberately added fluoridating acid and natural calcium fluoride.  The table can be found on our Resources page and it's a bit of an eye-opener.   The main difference between the two is the cargo of undesirable elements in the fluoridating acid which, for the sake of brevity, will now be referred to as HFSA.

Vitamin D  - suppression of information about its efficacy

See also the most recent news item (Home, drop-down menu, News) regarding Vitamin D suppression by the American Dental Association and the ADA's attempt to persuade the USA's National Toxicology Program (NTP) to ignore the science in favour of pandering to the ADA's political agenda.   It's interesting that the UK Government (Office for Health Improvement and Disparities) is investigating making Vitamin D easily available to patients who need to supplement with the Vitamin and there has recently been a Consultation which has asked people to send in their views about this.

How the Medical Establishment Covers up the Harms of Adding Fluoride to Drinking Water

by Robert Carnaghan, 1st April 2022

In his article published in The Daily Sceptic, Robert Carnaghan reviews the tortured history of Water Fluoridation in the USA and reveals the damage caused to health by systemic fluoride.   The article should be required reading for all UK politicians, particularly those who are slavishly obeying their Party whips.

Radioactive Iodine

by Dr Joseph Mercola, 31st March 2022

The extract below is part of a longer article which Dr Mercola has posted on his website.  It's published here because it has direct relevance to the issue that fluoride lowers thyroid function.

"How to Optimize Your Iodine Absorption

While women have a greater incidence of iodine deficiency related to their hormone production, the bodies of both men and women are subject to the poor absorption of iodine and suboptimal use due to environmental contamination that end up in the food supply.

Common contaminants that compete with iodine include the following. By avoiding or eliminating these from your diet, you can help optimize iodine uptake from the iodine-rich foods you eat, some of which were listed earlier.

  • Bromide — Bromides are known endocrine disruptors found in baked goods, pesticides and plastics, among other sources. Because bromide is a halide, it competes for the same receptors used in your thyroid gland and other body areas to capture iodine, thereby inhibiting thyroid hormone production and resulting in a deficiency.
  • Fluoride — Fluoride has long been known to displace iodine. As cited by the Fluoride Action Network,23 Chinese researchers “have repeatedly found that an iodine deficiency coupled with fluoride exposure produces a significantly more damaging effect on neurological development than iodine deficiency alone.”
  • Nitrates — While there are healthy nitrates, the ones found in processed meats such as bacon, hot dogs, lunch meat and sausage may interfere with your uptake of iodine, so be sure to avoid them. Nitrates from agricultural fertilizer, present in contaminated drinking water, have also been implicated as a potential cause of thyroid cancer.24
  • Perchlorate — A contaminant found in groundwater across the U.S. and in measurable amounts in milk, fruit and vegetables. In high doses, perchlorate may inhibit the function of your thyroid gland. Even in low doses, it inhibits the uptake of iodine by your thyroid gland, leading to hypothyroidism.25,26"

The entire article and comprehensive citations can be found via the link below.

Mercola - Radioactive Iodine

Important article by Dr Mercola featuring the pig-headed WF policy being promoted by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care in the UK, 19th October 2021. 

We're featuring this article on our Home Page because it is of great importance.

Dr Mercola Article 2021

Magnesium - The Tooth Enhancer

Perhaps it isn't fluoride which strengthens teeth after all .....

In 2019, the 5-year-old children's Oral Health Survey found that 50% of the children they examined had dental decay into dentine in Ladywood (Birmingham), and rather high levels of tooth decay in Hodge Hill and Acocks Green Yardley.  This was a finding which should have worried the pro-fluoridationists sick because those parts of Birmingham had been fluoridated since 1964.  (In fact all of Birmingham and the West Midlands are fluoridated.) 

All three districts of Birmingham are provided with water from the Elan Valley.  This water is treated at Frankley Water Treatment Works (WTW) prior to being fluoridated and then distributed.  Elan Valley water is very low in magnesium.  We've obtained a table of magnesium levels in drinking water throughout West Midlands.  The shock came when we looked at the results for the WTW zones downstream and to the east of Frankley WTW. 

Recommended concentrations of magnesium for adult men and women are 350 and 270 mg/litre respectively.  The recommended concentration for children would be between 100 and 200 mg/day.   So when we saw the concentration of magnesium in water provided to Ladywood, Hodgehill and Acocks Green Yardley, our suspicious whiskers started quivering.  All three districts receive between 1.4 - 1.73 mg Magnesium/litre !

Magnesium is essential for tooth and bone health.  According to the Weston A Price Foundation ( ), magnesium  enables calcium to be taken up by both. 

The scandal of WF is that it injects a developmental neurotoxin into our drinking water and neglects the science which has found that it is magnesium which is the unsung hero. 

Processed food is deficient in magnesium and supplementation is beyond the budgets of disadvantaged families. 

It's no wonder that the DHSC has pulled up the drawbridge and lowered the portcullis.  Politicians have been wrong all this time.

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