Delayed Eruption of Teeth

Systemic Fluoride Delays the Eruption of Teeth

The conclusion of behind-the-times pro-fluoridation researchers is that fluoride prevents dental decay by exposing the tooth buds to fluoride pre-eruption.  This is very far from the truth.

The "let's not talk about it Chaps" theory is if eruption of primary and permanent teeth are delayed because of systemic fluoride adversely affecting normal development, this means that they have had less time exposed to decay-causing bacteria, plaque and acidic foods by the time the children have their first dental examinations at ages 3 and 5. 

An important document on this topic by Carole Clinch (Canada) relates to the delayed eruption of teeth when a child is fluoridated.  This phenomenon is denied, of course, by pro-fluoridation dental researchers.  However, Carole lists and describes numerous research studies which have found delay and just the two which deny delay! 

Parents of children whose teeth are delayed are worried that their child has something wrong with them. No British Dental Association dentist who supports Water Fluoridation (WF) will admit that eruption is due to systemic fluoride.  An admission would damage reputations and cause a stink.

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